The Somerset White Collection

A clean and consistent white polished marble with a unique crystalline structure.

Tile Sizes

3x9 Polished
3x9 300404 Somerset White
4x12 Polished
4x12 300405 Somerset White
12x12 Polished
12x12 300407 Somerset White
12x24 Polished
12x24 300409 Somerset White
6x24 Polished
6x24 300406 Somerset White
Basketweave Polished Mosaic
basketweave mosaic 300413 Somerset White
1x3 Herringbone Polished Mosaic
1x3 herringbone mosaic 300412 Somerset White
2.5x2.5 Hexagon Polished Mosaic
2.5x2.5 hexagon mosaic 300411 Somerset White
1.375x.75x12 Chair Rail Polished
	1.375x12 chair rail 300414 Somerset White
.625x12 Pencil Liner Polished
.625x12 pencil 300415 Somerset White


Sizes Available 3x9, 4x12, 6x24, 12x12, 12x24, hexagon mosaic on 11.22x12 sheet, herringbone mosaic on 12x12 sheet, basketweave mosaic on 12x12 sheet, .625x12 pencil, 1.375x12 chair rail
Material Marble
Finish Polished
Wear Rating 8 - Customer Determines Use
Shade Variation V3
Country of Origin Turkey
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